Sunday Adult Bible Study
Come and join us for Bible Study every Sunday morning!
Youth Ministry
The Youth Ministry exists to reach students with the Gospel of Christ, as well as to teach, equip, and send them, all by connecting them with Christian students and mature Christian adults, involving them in the community of faith.
Children’s Ministry
Our mission is to partner with parents and lay a spiritual foundation by teaching kids to love God, love others and show love in action. Pinole UMC provide’s a secure, nurturing ministry for children where Biblical truths are taught in a Christ-centered, interactive, fun and safe environment in which your child will learn and build lasting relationships.
Young Adult’s Ministry
The purpose of our Young Adult ministry is to gather young people throughout the Contra Costa County who have completed high school and wish to enjoy ministry, missions, Bible study, support and accountability, personal growth, and just fun times with each other.
Music Ministry
Pinole UMC offers a diverse music ministry. Do you have something to share as a vocalist, instrumentalist, percussion player, actor, dramatic reader, or music ministry donor? You can use your gifts to joyfully serve, enhance your skills, build relationships, and have fun!
- Chancel Choir – Our mixed choir is open to all and sings in a range of styles covering the spectrum of Christian music.
- Adult & Youth Praise Band – The group leads the congregational singing and presents special music.
Prayer Cell Groups
The place to find real community and grow spiritually at Pinole UMC is found in our cell groups. Just as the human body is made up of cells working in unison, we believe that the local church is most healthy when smaller groups of believers and seekers get together outside of the Sunday service for prayer, ministry, discussion, and sharing life together. The reason why we refer to these groups as cells comes from our belief that a vibrant church is made up of dynamic groups that are growing and multiplying. We see the origins of the church beginning with Jesus investing the bulk of his time to a small intimate fellowship of twelve disciples. It was within this ‘cell’ group that Jesus built relationships, taught and trained, imparted authority and power, and eventually commissioned to begin the Church.
Men’s Ministry
The objective of Men’s Ministry is to disciple and equip the men of Pinole UMC in their roles as men of God, whether married, single, older, younger. We seek to provide a venue for modeling the life of Christ to men. We seek to do this through teaching, fellowship, and service; providing opportunity for fostering spiritual friendships and developing disciplining relationships, so that men can grow in conformity to Christ, specifically in their roles as men.
Couple’s Ministry
The mission of the Couple’s Ministry is encompassed by the larger mission of the church. We strive to Love God, Love People, and Serve the World by promoting and demonstrating God honoring marriages built on a strong biblical foundation. Fulfilling marriages don’t just happen. They are built on biblical principles essential to a warm, loving relationship. Fulfilling marriages enable couples to look outward together and discover ways to impact and serve a hurting world. Just as every individual has a unique gifting and calling from God useful for loving others, every marriage also has a unique story and setting useful for blessing others. The Couple’s Ministry at Pinole UMC exists to support couples as they seek God’s best for their life together.
Social Justice Ministry
The Social Justice Ministry works to educate the Pinole UMC congregation about issues of social justice, and actively works on behalf of peace with justice efforts in the community, nation, and world. Awareness and action campaigns may include presentations, volunteer opportunities, monitoring legislation, fundraising, and book discussions.