– COVID-19 Resource Guide: tinyurl.com/PUMCresourceguide
– Hygiene Kits: We are collecting donations for hygiene kits that will go to those impacted by COVID-19 within our county. Each kit will cost $10-15. If you would like to make a monetary donation, you can donate through PayPal and reply with “Mission-Hygiene Kits” when responding to the confirmation email: https://pinoleumc.org/donate/
– Greater Richmond Interfaith Program (GRIP): Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we are not accepting sign ups for breakfast preparation for GRIP at the moment. However, you can still donate to GRIP as they continue to feed and serve the community during this difficult time: https://gripcares.org/donate/
– Immigration/Immigration Task Force:
- Justice for our Neighbors (JFON): A national immigration ministry of the UMC. Find more information here: https://njfon.org/about-us/
- Interfaith Movement for Human Integrity: Based in Oakland and led by Rev. Deborah Lee. They’re very active with meetings, vigils and other events. Find more information here: https://www.im4humanintegrity.org
- IM Hope Center: An immigration task force comprised of our West Contra Costa cluster of UMC’s. Its aim is to assist immigrants through the federal process. Citizenship classes have been arranged by the West Contra Costa Adult School, to resume after “shelter-in-place” ends. They’re looking for volunteers to engage class participants in conversation as practice for immigration interviews. A small group meets at 2:00 pm on second Wednesdays at El Sobrante UMC (on Zoom for now). It’s headed by Kofi Baah-Arhin. Contact information: " target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer"> / .
– Other Mission Opportunities:
Donate to Deaconess Cindy Andrade Johnson, who works at the Mexican border helping children & families with medical needs, etc. Information about her work at the border can be found here:
- Volunteer & Emergency Services Team In Action (VESTIA) – Contra Costa County: https://vestiainc.org/make-your-donation-to-vestia/
- Donate Protective Equipment & Supplies for Healthcare Providers: https://www.coronavirus.cchealth.org/donations
- Monument Crisis Center – Contra Costa County/Concord: https://www.monumentcrisiscenter.org/donate